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Our Impact



families in crisis received food, shelter, and other emergency services.



students supported through Crossroads United Way programs and partners.



value of prescription medications provided to neighbors in need.

Our Mission

Crossroads United Way, serving Elkhart, LaGrange & Noble Counties fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our communities.

We're working to impact the one out of four families in Elkhart, LaGrange, and Noble Counties that are working hard but falling short. We believe that nobody should have to choose between food or a doctor appointment, repairing their car or filling their prescription. That's why we're working to bring families to a safer, more sustainable place.

Get Involved

Advocacy is a call to action. It is speaking for those who haven’t found their voice. Your support creates awareness around issues that affect our community. People cannot solve problems that they cannot see.

Crossroads United Way, serving Elkhart, LaGrange & Noble Counties is working to advance solutions for families that are working hard but struggling to survive. By participating in public policy efforts that coincide with the human service work currently being done in our community, United Way can…

Latest News

2024-25 Grant Cycle Overview January 15 – January 28: Letters of Intent…
Did you know? 1 in 3 Hoosier children still need help reading at grade…
Crossroads United Way serving Elkhart, LaGrange and Noble Counties is…
The cold and snow are here, but not every child has a suitable winter…
Charitable groups in Elkhart, LaGrange counties to combine efforts After a…
The United Way of Elkhart County has reached its goal this year by raising…

Are you ready to connect with students by joining a classroom to read a book and share about your life, career, and experiences?

Success Stories

We measure our success not in dollars raised, but in actual lives changed. These stories are a testament to the difference that communities can make when we come together to create lasting change.

More Success Stories ⇢

Esra’s 2nd grade student reading buddy bolts down the hallway as soon as he sees him. “Suddenly the worries and stresses in my life go out the window,” says Esra. “Volunteering and seeing the work that United Way is doing from the inside has been remarkable and I am honored to be able to add to the… Continue Reading ⇢
Read United
As businesses closed their doors last Spring, many of our neighbors faced income loss and suddenly found themselves struggling to meet basic needs. When families like Ana’s needed a little extra help, United Way donors filled the gap, providing a crucial safety net for those facing crisis due to… Continue Reading ⇢
COVID Relief

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Fri, 08/16/2024
Grab your crew and come "ROWING" with our team as we take to the red carpet for the 2024 Great…

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